Together Health Bio CoQ10 – 30


CoQ10 helps generate energy in our cells but as we age our natural production of CoQ10 tends to slow down. CoQ10 is not only responsible for energy generation in our cells it’s also an antioxidant and protects cells from oxidative damage. Together Health’s naturally-fermented stable form of CoQ10 is cultured from good bacteria making it easy to digest and absorb. It’s supplied in a base of coconut oil which aids the absorption of this important fat-soluble nutrient. Together have also added in a standardised extract of black pepper providing 95% piperine which is shown to increase the absorption of CoQ10 by an extra 30%.

This product is Gluten-free and is Vegan.

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SKU: 5060170530580 Categories: ,


Product Description


Coconut oil, tapioca starch, co-enzyme q10, black pepper extract (piper nigrum root). vegecap (vegetable cellulose).

Allergy Information

For allergens, see ingredients highlighted in bold in the ingredients list.

Possible cross-contamination
The following potential allergens may have come in contact with this product in transport, packing or production:
Gluten, Wheat, Sesame
Please note:Although we make every effort to ensure this information is correct and accurate, we cannot be held liable in instances where it is incorrect.

Using Supplements and Remedies

Please check with your General Practitioner before taking any nutritional or herbal supplements if you are currently taking prescription medicines or are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions and never exceed the recommended intake unless professionally advised to do so.


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